March 1, 2014
"In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb"
by Lorie Hill
March roars in like a lion
So fierce,
The wind so cold,
It seems to pierce.
The month rolls on
And Spring draws near,
And March goes out
Like a lamb so dear.
So fierce,
The wind so cold,
It seems to pierce.
The month rolls on
And Spring draws near,
And March goes out
Like a lamb so dear.
March definitely roared in like a lion last night. We woke to about one and one-half inches of snow--the heavy, wet kind--the kind that makes awesome snowmen. We didn't make any snowmen but we did turn the porch light on as we "greeted the day" drinking our coffee and watching the fluffy wet snowflakes as they accumulated on the deck. Molly, our cocker spaniel, does not like going out in the snow to do her daily constitutional after 6ses (morning snacks and breakfast). When I opened the door, she looked up at me as if to say, "Are you kidding me!"
Gene fed the chickens and I collected the eggs. Three little hens were still sitting on their nests disgruntled because of me lifting the lid as they were busy going about their daily business. Much like Molly, the chickens don't like the snow on those little feet, either. When we built the chicken coops, we covered the chicken yards with netting to keep the hawks, owls and one beautiful golden eagle from inviting a chicken to dinner; today, the snow is weighing the netting down, which is weighing the parameter chicken fencing down which, in turn, makes the fencing lean inward and, also, showers a person with snow when we enter the chicken yard. But, the ground is free of snow and the chickens are enjoying their time out of the coops. They follow us around because they want out of the yard. I thought later this afternoon I would let them free range. They probably will take one peek at the snow outside their yard, look at me and say "Are you kidding me!" and head back into their yard.
Several summers ago, I made some paper bowls. Pressed flowers--rose petals and pansies--were added to some of the bowls, and herbs--lavender and mint--were added to others. I liked the way the bowls came out with the pansies but the rose petals and lavender were not pleasing--looked dirty when dried. (I think I will use silica and see if that will keep them from turning brown.) I also liked the pressed mint leaves. Next time, make bigger bowls. Then, this past Christmas season, my son and daughter looked at the pine cones Gene had collected and we played with them, hoping to make some kind of decoration. Then, just a few weeks ago, I decided to make some lavender balls. Right now, the decoration may become a garland with pine cones and lavender balls. It's still in the "tinkering" stages but I do like the idea of taking the things around me--pine needles, pine cones, willow branches--and doing something with them. Growing up on a farm you learned not to throw anything away because you never knew when it would come in handy someplace else. I'm also making pot scrubbies. My old ones are becoming a little weary so crocheting a few new ones of those, too. I read where some people use these on their heels where they are rough... hmmmm...never thought of doing that.
My day is planned; hopefully, not wasted. It will never comes this way again.