I have been all day reading about and posting on the website of Still Waters Lavender (www.stillwaterslavender.com): so much to learn that it frazzles the brain. Three "old" products still stay on the website: standard lavender wands, chicken moth repellents (can't seem to keep them in stock) and dried lavender buds for sell. In the "Dried Lavender Buds" category, there are angustifolia (aka English Lavender): 'Folgate' (this is my husband's favorite lavender), 'True Hidcote', 'Miss Katherine' (a sweet-tasting lavender), 'Sachet' (I've used all this in my sachets this year so have none to sell), 'Purple Bouquet' (beautiful wreaths), and 'Melissa'. Lavendula x intermedia: 'Grosso' (wonderful in sachets, potpourris), 'Gros Bleu' (these are deep blue and beautiful next to the 'Edelweiss'), 'Edelweiss' (a white lavender) and beautiful 'Impress Purple' (I just liked walking by this one in the field). I also posted three new items Still Waters Lavender will offer this year:
2. Linen Pillows: Did you know you can use your printer to print on fabric! I didn't until this summer and it is so much fun. Find a saying, buy some fabric and you're on your way to creating some personal and fun items for your home. Add in lavender and, not only is it personal and fun, it's downright good smelling! I made one for a friend who had lost a much beloved animal. She cried, I cried: it was a joy to make and, I hope, a loving remembrance for her.
Now that I look at the title of this post, perhaps I should revise the saying to be more accurate: "some things old, some things new, ideas borrowed and lavender, too".